Made for Rift 2.7
All values presented are base values without any vials.
About The Runeguard
The Runeguard are the dwarves that stayed behind to defend and free their homeland of Moonshade Highlands. While individuals may have feelings for the gods, or not, as a group they owe allegiance only to the true King of Hammerknel.
The Runeguard Quartermaster Balint is located at Reclaimer's Hold. |
By gaining notoriety with The Runeguard you unlock a variety of recipes and other items sold by Balint:
The Runeguard Notoriety
There are several ways to obtain notoriety
with The Runeguard but like every other "classic" faction after completing story and normal quests one can find itself already deep into Honored. So what can be done after Honored to increase notoriety? The daily quests at Reclaimer's Hold and running the Runic Descent instance are probably the best ways to increase your notoriety.
Runic Descent
Runic Descent is an easy dungeon for a level 60. Here are some values I got while clearing this dungeon:
- +5 notoriety for each normal mob;
- +15 notoriety for each elite mob;
- +250 notoriety for each boss;
- +500 notoriety on completion.
Daily Repeatable Quests
There are a few daily quest at Reclaimer's Hold (around
6305, 1605)
- Riven By The Flood: +2000 notoriety per turn in;
- The Wallowing Abyss: +2000 notoriety per turn in;
- The Loci of Moonshade: +2000 per turn in;
- A Gathering Force: +2000 per turn in;
- Farthest Fallen: +2000 per turn in.
Plus the usual planar quests:
- Seal Rifts @(6307, 1615): +2000 notoriety per turn in;
- Kill Rift Creatures @(5522, 2191): +2000 notoriety per turn in.
And the fishing quests (6345,1661):
Daily Route
I usually just do the fishing quests once for the unique recipe. After that I normally stick to the "kill/collect" quests. The figure below shows my daily path across Moonshade Highlands when I was increasing my notoriety with The Runeguard.
Daily route at Moonshade Highlands to complete daily quests. Red: by mount: Blue: used porticulum. |
First I accept the quest at Timberveil then port to Reclaimer's Hold. That's where I accept the remaining quests and start my journey. I start at the Etched Plains and go northeast to the Hammerknell Fortress. Then south to the lake to activate the underwater locus. After that I go east, kill the demiurge there and move south to The Hammerhead and Faemist Point. My journey is concluded by completing the 3 remaining objectives between Faemist Point and Timberveil again. Use porticulum back to Reclaimer's Hold and it's done. While moving between all these locations I close 4 rifts and kill the 18 rift creatures required.
By reaching Glorified
with The Runeguard you will get the
Runeguard Reclaimer achievement.
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